The Power of Video Interviews [Ultimate Candidate Guide]

[Top Tips] The power of conducting video interviews: How to turn candidates into employees

5 top tips for conducting a video interview…

Conducting video interviews ensures your company does not miss out on top talent due to geographical limitations or nationwide isolation. However, it is vital to maximise the flexibility of the technology to ensure a streamlined and successful experience for both you and your talent pool. Check out our top tips in order to get the most out of your video interviews

5 Top Tips for conducting Video Interviews

The recruitment process, especially in the current situation, can be frustrating for candidates because there is a high amount of uncertainty. It is important to keep your candidates up to speed with any changes to the process, if you choose to conduct a video interview instead of a traditional face-to-face interview. Let candidates know as early as possible that you are planning to conduct an interview via video so they can prepare.

Be considerate of your candidates

Video interview technology offers flexibility to your candidates, where they can decide when they will complete their responses within a given timeframe. In order for candidates to effectively prepare, we suggest giving a timeframe of 5-7 days to allow for preparation and check their video technology works.

Set an effective time limit

Imagine you have hundreds of applicants for a job vacancy and your candidates talk for a long time answering their questions, collecting hours of video footage for you to process. We suggest that you set a time limit for each question of around 60 seconds, which allows candidates to effectively answer your questions concisely to enable quick processing.

Choose questions carefully

Generic interview questions are often overused. We suggest using a variety of questions including; behavioural, situational and questions tailored to the job role. When choosing questions to ask candidates during a video interview, you need to consider the time you have allocated to the candidates to answer. You could try testing out the questions with others in your team to check if the time allocated is sufficient.

Follow up the video interview

Whether it be by email or phone, keep the candidate informed of the next steps and inform them whether they have been successful or unsuccessful. This not only closes the interview process but will be appreciated by candidates during this uncertain time. If you follow these tips, you will maximise the success of your video interviewing process and hopefully attract, engage, manage and onboard even more top talent.

For more information about our video interviewing solutions and technology, please contact us today.

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